
Showing posts from August, 2021
We started using colour this week! What a great class of students. The artwork is fabulous.  We also learned how to tell a sequential story that progresses through time. So much to learn! One of our best excercises is the 20 minute challenge where we have only 20 minutes to create a whole comic. This leads to energetic drawing and a light hearted approach. This week Mehrafrooz "won" by completing her page in time - but sadly we didn't have a prize for her. The real prize, of course, is that we each made lively and energetic comics!   
This is our third class. We worked on our self portraits and got wonderful results with pen and ink.  With 20 minutes left in the class we did a 20 minute challenge. And some amazing drawings happened! 
Our second class! We made self portraits!

Our First Class!

We learned about graphic novels and cartoons. We had many Farsi speakers and a couple of Arabic speakers but everyone chose to work in English. Some great stories are going to be told in this class...but first we are learning the basics. If you don't see your artwork here it is because I couldn't  photograph it when we ran out of time at the end. Next week we'll include everyone's creative efforts on this blog!  Thanks for a wonderful first class everyone!